Add Line Dialog Box

Use the Add Line dialog box if you want to add location information to the per diem schedule.

For example, if you negotiated a special corporate rate with a hotel in a location, and thus do not want to use the government lodging rate.

Note: Locations you add using the Add Line dialog box are not changed when you update the per diem schedules by downloading from the government Web site. You must manually update these locations as needed.


To display the Add Line dialog box, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Expense menu, click Settings > Per Diem Schedules.
  2. On the Schedule tab of the Per Diem Schedule screen, click Add Line.


Dialog Box Fields

Field Description

In Country, enter a code and name for the country for which you want to add location per diem information. (The name you enter in Description is what appears in lookup lists when employees enter expense reports or expense authorizations.)

This field is only available if you select Country in the Input Requirements group box on the Basic Information tab.

Note: If you change a country name for one line, it is automatically changed in all per diem schedules where it currently exists.
Field Description

In State/Province, enter a code and name for the state or province that you want to add location per diem information for. (The name you enter in Description is what appears in lookup lists when employees enter expense reports or expense authorizations.)

This field is only available if you select State/Province in the Input Requirements group box on the Basic Information tab.

Note: If you change a state/province name for one line, it is automatically changed in all per diem schedules where it currently exists.

In City, enter a code and name for the city that you want to add location per diem information for. (The name you enter in Description is what appears in lookup lists when employees enter expense reports or expense authorizations.)

This field is only available if you select City in the Input Requirements group box on the Basic Information tab.

Note: If you change a city name for one line, it is automatically changed in all per diem schedules where it currently exists.

In County, enter a code and name for the county that you want to add location per diem information for. (The name you enter in Description is what appears in lookup lists when employees enter expense reports or expense authorizations.)

This field is only available if you select County in the Input Requirements group box on the Basic Information tab.

Note: If you change a county name for one line, it is automatically changed in all per diem schedules where it currently exists.

In Source, use the drop-down list to select the source of the per diem information for the line. The valid values are CONUS, OCONUS, and User.

Normally, Source contains User for added lines, but you have the option to indicate that an added line contains CONUS or OCUNUS per diem information.

Location Type

In Location Type, use the drop-down list to select the type of location for which you are entering per diem information. The valid values are Civilian, Military, Both, and User.

Effective Date

In Effective Date, click to select the date the per diem information for the location becomes effective.

Season Start

In Season Start, use the drop-down lists to select the month and day that the season starts.

Certain locations reimburse at a different rate at different times during the year. If the employee travels within the period defined by the season start and season end dates, he will be reimbursed at the different, typically higher, rate.

If a location has different per diem rates for different times of the year, you must add a line for each set of seasonal rates. The seasons for a location in a per diem schedule must cover the entire calendar year without overlapping. If the location for which you are adding per diem information does not have different rates based on season, set Season Start to 01/01 and Season End to 12/31.

Season End

In Season End, use the drop-down lists to select the month and day that the season ends.

Certain locations reimburse at a different rate at different times during the year. If the employee travels within the period defined by the season start and season end dates, he will be reimbursed at the different, typically higher, rate.

If a location has different per diem rates for different times of the year, you must add a line for each set of seasonal rates. The seasons for a location in a per diem schedule must cover the entire calendar year without overlapping. If the location for which you are adding per diem information does not have different rates based on season, set Season Start to 01/01 and Season End to 12/31.


In Lodging, enter the lodging per diem amount for the location. Enter this amount in the system's base currency.

Total M&IE

In Total M&IE, use the drop-down list to select the total meals and incidental expense (M&IE) amount and source for the location.

Note: CONUS and OCONUS have separate listings because the individual meals are broken out differently.
Termination Date

Normally, you will leave Termination Date blank when you are adding a line. However, if you know the date after which the per diem information for the location will no longer be in effect, use the Calendar Lookup for Termination Date to select that date.

After the termination date, employees filling out expense reports or expense authorizations can no longer select the location when entering per diem information.


Click OK to add the line to the per diem schedule.